Arduino Series (Lesson 2) - What is Microcontroller & Atmega 328P microcontroller ?

A microcontroller is a compact integrated circuit designed to govern a specific operation in an embedded system.
A typical microcontroller includes a processor, memory and input/output (I/O) peripherals on a single chip.
It has pins that can perform digital and analog operations. They are available with various architectures such as 8 bit ,16 , bit ,32 bit and 64 bit.


  • ATmega328 is an 8-bit and 28 Pins AVR Microcontroller, manufactured by Microchip, follows RISC Architecure and has a flash type program memory of 32KB.
  • It has an EEPROM memory of 1KB and its SRAM memory is of 2KB.
  • It has 8 Pin for ADC operations, which all combines to form PortA ( PA0 – PA7 ).
  • It also has 3 builtin Timers, two of them are 8 Bit timers while the third one is 16-Bit Timer.
  • You must have heard of Arduino UNO, UNO is based on atmega328 Microcontroller. It’s UNO’s heart. 💖
Image result for atmega 328

